ハンドメイドマーケット minne(ミンネ)

Wallet dressed with Indian embroidered ribbon "Espada Corte"

This is a folded wallet made of Italian "La Perla Azzurra" leather (ALASKA). <Limited version with sparkling Indian embroidered ribbon ALASKA is vegetable tanned leather (double shoulder) soaked with plenty of wax, and no two are alike. It is truly a one-of-a-kind leather. Open the flap to access the main card immediately. With no waste, this smart wallet is perfect for the cashless era. The "dagger" that Espada Corte stands for has been embellished to create a three-dimensional design. <Things you need to understand This ALASKA leather will change over time. The color and luster of this ALASKA leather will change over time to the extent that it will look different from when it was new. Also, a wallet with a completely different look can be made from a single piece of leather. There is a great deal of individual difference. Because it is originally a living thing... The condition of the wax on the silver surface also varies. Often, some look like scratches at first glance. The leather grows with you, becoming your color as it gets scratched and rubbed. Therefore, you cannot choose the silver surface, the size of the grain, or the condition of the wax.
This is a folded wallet made of Italian "La Perla Azzurra" leather (ALASKA). <Limited version with sparkling Indian embroidered ribbon ALASKA is vegetable tanned leather (double shoulder) soaked with plenty of wax, and no two are alike. It is truly a one-of-a-kind leather. Open the flap to access the main card immediately. With no waste, this smart wallet is perfect for the cashless era. The "dagger" that Espada Corte stands for has been embellished to create a three-dimensional design. <Things you need to understand This ALASKA leather will change over time. The color and luster of this ALASKA leather will change over time to the extent that it will look different from when it was new. Also, a wallet with a completely different look can be made from a single piece of leather. There is a great deal of individual difference. Because it is originally a living thing... The condition of the wax on the silver surface also varies. Often, some look like scratches at first glance. The leather grows with you, becoming your color as it gets scratched and rubbed. Therefore, you cannot choose the silver surface, the size of the grain, or the condition of the wax.








<レザー商品に関するご注意> ・本商品に使用しているレザーは、水濡れによって変形・硬化・シミが生じる素材です。 ・継続的に金属と接触する部位は、黒く変色していきます。 ・皮脂や汗に触れる、日光によって焼けることにより、色合いは黒っぽく変色していきます。 こういった変化は「経年変化」と呼び、レザー全般にみられる特徴であり、ご使用における避けられない変化です。返品、クレームの対象外となりますので、ご理解のほどご購入を検討いただけますよう、お願い申し上げます。
  • 作品画像

    Italian leather Key chain with Indian embroidered ribbon"Viblante"

    作家・ブランドのレビュー 星5
    綺麗な革で、縫い目も綺麗でした。 とても早く対応していただけました。 ありがとうございました。
    by まれい屋
    nijigaoka labさんのショップ
    nijigaoka labからの返信
     この度はご購入いただき、誠にありがとうございました。 当店では品質と仕上がりにこだわり、お客様にご満足いただけるよう努めておりますので、お褒めの言葉をいただけたことをとてもうれしく思います。  またご要望には迅速にお応えできるよう、今後もご満足いただけるようなサービスを提供してまいります。  何かお困りごとやご質問等ございましたら、いつでもお気軽にお知らせください。引き続きのご愛顧を心よりお待ちしております。